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WHO is Linda Kee?


Growing up, Linda was fortunate to be able to travel the world.  Though she struggled in finding a place to call home, as her family globe trotted to different countries and continents, she found beauty and solace in the adversity, and painted her vision of the world, and the people in it. Her picture is that we are all unique and diverse, but we all share the same needs  - to be connected.  She believes that somewhere, some how, we forget or lose that connection and offers a way to return to that connection. She believes that through experience, not only theory, but through exploration and action,  or through a space of the unknown, we can return there.


Acting on stage and on screen for almost two decades, Linda worked on such t.v. shows from Prime Time Amazon's Tin Star and CBC's Heartland and Intelligence, to ABC's  Mistresses, Traveler, and V.  Linda worked with many great casts, crews, directors and producers between Calgary and Vancouver, BC.  She is proud to be a home grown Alberta artist, having worked on Alberta shot films such as A Gentleman, Man Running, El Chicano, and on West Jet, Scotiabank, Shaw, General Electric, and more recently AT&T, Suicide Prevention and Cannabis Awareness commercials.  Theatre being her first love, Linda had the honor of sharing the stage with the talented cast of A Thousand  Splendid Suns at Theatre Calgary, The Shakespeare Company's A Midsummer Nights Dream, Ladies Who Lunch's 5 Women Wearing the Same Dress, and enjoyed a season with Rogues Theatre.  She loves the live stage so much she started a sketch comedy show called Cocktails and Holywater in Vancouver, showcasing their shenanigans every month, at the legendary Penthouse Nightclub.


Linda began writing and producing with a short film called Afternoon at Gudrun where she showcased and found distribution for at the 66th Annual Cannes Festival.  Linda continues to write and produce, and is always exploring how to become a better storyteller. 

While she was with All Nations theatre Society, she attained her Forum Theatre Facilitator Training with David Diamond at Headlines Theatre in Vancouver, BC,  using theatre as a vehicle for positive change. She learned how to use the arts to help empower oppressed individuals, to give a voice and visibility to the unheard, the unseen, the undervalued.  She traveled to various communities, schools, reserves, correctional facilities, and newcomer organizations sharing theatre and storytelling to create healthier communities.  Since that experience, Linda believed her work as an artist had to be about empowerment and service to the community. 


As a student of life, Linda began practicing mindful movement, meditation and yoga, over 10 years ago, and  completed her 100hr. Synergy Partner Yoga teacher training in Montecito, California in 2015, and her 200hr. JMY Vinyasa Teacher Training at Lighthouse Yoga School in Brooklyn, New York in 2017.  She is also a Teaching Artist with the Royal Conservatory of Music, in the Learning Through the Arts Program, making learning visible and inclusive, through the lens of digital, literary, sound, performance and visual medias.


With a background in performing arts, acting on stage and on screen, and being a student and instructor of yoga and partner yoga, Linda combined her passion of all of these interests and a desire to positively impact her community, by sharing her vision.  Linda then created Throo.  THroo's vision is to create connections and communication through mindful movement and the art of storytelling.


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